"Get Out of God's Way" Book Launch

with Trienne Topp and Dr. LaChelle Wieme

Hey there, leaders! In this episode of Be That Create That, you'll hear from LaChelle, an author and entrepreneur who's passionate about helping others step into their full potential. LaChelle shares her journey of overcoming self-sabotage and stepping into a life of purpose.

You'll be inspired to ditch the "fine" and embrace your God-given calling, even if it seems scary or impossible. Plus, you'll learn practical strategies for getting out of your own way and achieving your goals.

Be That Create That

"Get Out of God's Way" Book Launch, with Trienne Topp and Dr. LaChelle Wieme

Hey, hey.

Welcome to be that create that the podcast, where we teach women in leadership to step confidently, into their next level in career, and life.

Using some intentional action steps so that they can be who they admire and create what they desire.


I'm Tree on top.

I'm a leadership performance Coach inspired working with women in areas of all leadership, and personal development.

A true personal development junkie because I have seen the shifts that have happened in my life and in the lives of my clients and teams with these types of tools applied, I believe, happiness, equals progress and fulfillment is then the result.


So I know with small intentional actions in leading ourselves every day, we can make the impact we'd like to see in the world around us through leadership.

Bishop and influence in this podcast, you're going to hear everyday Leadership Lessons From my clients my teams or my own experiences that have improved communication culture collaboration, ultimately creating a ripple effect throughout our networks.


So let's get started and let's get intentional.


Hey, hey everybody.

Welcome back to the bee.

That create that channel.

I'm Tree on your leadership, performance, coach, and specifically today, I want to get right to it.

We are going to jump right in because I'm bringing on my friend, Michelle and she has a new book coming out and I'm after talking to her the things that she has going along with this book.


I mean, you guys are going to eat it up and I cannot wait to bring her on.

So, without further Ado, we're going to bring Lachelle onto our screen.


So good to be here.

Thanks so much for For letting me, join your fun Community here.

Well in our coaching group.


As soon as you said, hey, I'd like to share about the book.

It's coming out on Monday.

I was like, yes, please because I know that my community is going to love the premise of this book.

The process that you went through to get it finished and what your kind of like future plans are with them.


So you know you know you better than I know you obviously.

So why don't you just go ahead and introduce yourself to our community and then we'll Dive Right In awesome.

I'm Doctor Leo.

Be me and I am super passionate about helping people live out their full potential, right?

I really just want to live a life with no regrets to feel.


Like I didn't have things buried into my, my past that.

I didn't let come through because of fear or overthinking things.

And I want to help other people do the same.

So, so that's what I'm here that's going to doing.

I think that my journey has led me to a place right now in business where I help people who have really great jobs, but Feel this like inner like knowing in your soul that you are being called for different for better for bigger, even though you might love what you're doing, you just cannot ignore it and so you're needing to step into it.


And so what I do right now is I help people who are wanting to to dive into full-time entrepreneurship, or even stepping out back away from their full-time, careers, somewhat to go after that Colleen, but they're feeling a little bit stuck.

So I do a six-month stuck to CEO program to help people.


Just get out of their own way, right?

And, and honestly, I feel like this can apply to people that are in any area of their life, where you're getting in your own way, you're overthinking things, you're letting fear, get the best of you.

You are letting your disorganization and you're overwhelmed, get the best of you, you're letting your confusion and your, I don't know what I should do.


Or I don't know what direction I should take or whatever to keep you from.

Actually stepping in and going after something.

Because, you know, in your heart that That's something is there.

So so what I did was I created this book as of just a description of a journey actually, like how I got there.


The thing that I have been stumbling on the things that have gotten in my own way and, you know, as you mentioned, get out of God's way, is the title of it.

Because in my, you know, the in my heart, my faith is strong.

I know that God has called me for bigger, like, for me, this is a higher power thing.


This is a soul connection thing saying, like I am leading you here.

But there's so many times where I'm like, but God but God, I'm not equipped for that but God, that you must be having that for somebody else.

Like, it's like that the Moses saying, like but God, my brother.

Aaron is a better speaker and I think that so often times, I've gotten in my own way because I don't see that I am equipped for something as big as what I feel.


Like he's leaving me into, but I also know that he loves to call the unequipped because that's how he gets to show off.

And so, what I recognize is that, every time that I was getting in my own way, By letting fear win or confusion win or, or you know, this organization win, I was actually getting in his way and all of the amazing things that he wants to do through me that I'm like, well, Jeepers Lachelle.


Like, come on, let's just get you, get you got this, you know?

And so I wrote the book about all the lessons that I've had to go through to show up bigger because it's never been easy for me.


And I think, you know, one of the things that you said that really resonated with me, I was worried you said you know I decided that I was going to live my life with no regrets.


I feel like maybe it was something.

I was listening to with Les Brown.

I think off of YouTube because I like to listen to a lot of those things while I'm like, getting around in the morning making lunches, those kinds of things and less brown really talks about in many of his talks about like this.

So many people are, you know, at the end of their life saying, I wish I would have, I wish I would have and even when I started my own coaching, I was like, I am not going to do that.


A tie, you know, I'm just gonna go for it.

I'm gonna see what happens.

I'm gonna do my best to serve and that's been a blessing for me, which has been really wonderful to be able to get up every day and love what we're doing.

But this wasn't always.

This wasn't always a plan for you.


So kind of explain explain how this book came to fruition.


I mean I guess I'm just shoot from the hip kind of gal sometimes which is hilarious because I do anesthesia by trade like that was my career.

So like It calculates like I have a different person in the operating room, but when it comes to business, I just like, I do, I'm very intuition lead, and I just kind of lean in.


So even though I had this plan for quarter, one and quarter to what happened was, I was asked to speak at a conference in May.

And by the way, like the open invitation to all of you guys, if you are wanting some empowerment for women, like, join me in l.a.

Ah, May 18th 19th and 20th like it's going to be freaking phenomenal.


So anyway, like I got a Asked by a mutual person, connect me with this guy who's an MA Emmy Award winning actor from l.a. who's put it on This Woman's empowerment conference because he was raised by a single mom and he wants to like like literally just pour into him and Empower them.


Anyway, I'm like holy crap.

Like this is amazing.

Yes, I'm going to do this.

Then they asked me if I had a need for table for a book and I literally like pause for a second and I'm like, hmm.

Can I get back to you on that?

That is this February?


You guys like this is like literally like just a couple months ago and so I made a couple phone calls and I was like Hey from friends that have written books so I'm like alright is this even possible?

And they're like you up but you better get your shit together.


Like all right so I got hooked up with an editor and a way I win and so I outlined the book and then I came back from from our business retreat in Mexico and I blocked off my calendar in and about six days.


I knocked this sucker out.


But, you know, and then like the rest of the time is all been putting the things together to be able to let this thing.

Be the blessing that is supposed to.

And so I was telling tree and that like all the things I had planned for this time is like completely thrown out the window but I am just deciding to take my own advice, right?


And get out of God's way.

And if he led me to this conference and he led me to write this book and he equipped me with the words that came pretty easily and he is equipping me with These conversations.

Like, you know, I'm having right now.

Like, it's all going to be okay.


And all of the other things that I had planned will find themselves into my calendar if they're supposed to be there, right?

But I just have to go with it.

And that's one of the things that I talk about in the book is really what I've noticed.

I've successful people do, and it doesn't matter when.


Or if you're in leadership in your career, they successful.

People do these three things consistently and I could go into that.

If you want.

Oh, absolutely.

I love, I'm all ears.

I'm ready.

So this is the first thing guys and they recognize that they have a desire for better under heart.


So this is the thing.

I ran like, I don't know if you've ever heard me say this but I truly feel like fine is like my lease for letter f word because so often we like oh it's fine.

My marriage is fine, my job is lying, my body is fine and then we let Find this kind of very itself into more fine until all of a sudden.


It's not finding all right.

And so what I really have noticed is that successful people recognize this desire in their heart, they recognizes desire for better.

That might be a better marriage and might be a better body, it might be a better position at work.

It might be a better work-life balance and having a business, whatever, the case may be, they recognize that desire and then they lean into it instead of shoving it down.


Like no, this isn't for me, this is for somebody else.

Maybe someday like know like they like, huh, I'm an explorer.

That what's that about?

I had this one guy.

I slept that down for way too long.

That's right.

We let all the excuses come into play and I'm going to call it what it is.


They they're freaking excuses and not the right time.

I'm not equipped.

I don't know.

Have enough people.

Like I think back when I started my first business, I was a okay, I'm just gonna paint this picture, okay.

I was working full-time doing anesthesia and I was a part-time Professor for a doctor of your Santa suit.


A program traveling, the country speak in an anesthesia seminars, two kids husband that was coaching.

So he was busy and I was finishing up, my doctorate degree in my last semester.

That is not the time to start a business, right?

Okay, but I did, and I don't know why, but it completely changed my life.


I didn't have a network.

I had 200 friends on social media.

If you did, if I didn't know your mom, like, you didn't need to know what I was up to, and it's not even like I get like they had and know what I was up to you because legit like the only thing I ever posted on that Facebook page was, you know, the quotes from my friends like the inspirational quotes.


So it's not easy.

Like getting like Sodom thing anyway.

But I lean into it.

And the funny thing is too, is that that network marketing company that I joined at the time was actually a skincare company, which was hilarious because I wasn't even washing my face.

Like if it wasn't you I was 36 years old and whatever Pantene Pro-V happen to follow my face in the shower is what I use.


So like let's just not something I had like been dreaming of my whole life but what I did was I got my attention and I kept hearing things and I kept having conversations that kept like, Leaning towards that and I'm like alright God like this is what you want me to do fine but I don't know what I'm doing.


You're gonna have to help me.

And within six months, I was making money to cut back a day at the hospital, the day at the hospital every week and in.

So, it was literally just that that even though, that sounded like, completely cuckoo totally not.


I'm super shy awkward.

Introvert that did not want anybody to see my stuff on social turned into a life-changing experience for me.


But I had into that desire, even though it didn't make any sense, even though I wasn't equipped even though I didn't know what the heck I was doing, I still had to follow it and so that was number one.


Number two successful people make the decision and this is a case of pain you guys.

This is not, this is not, I'd sound simple but it's not.

This is not a wishy-washy, I hope to see this happen.

I'm going to try this is a freaking declaration decree like Come hell or high water burn the boats decision that I cannot go on another day?


Like I am, I can.

Yeah, that's so powerful.

Like, I no longer want to be uncomfortable.

Being comfortable.

No longer know, exactly.

It's just like this, like, no more.

Like there's a, there's a before and an after, right?

And I think that so many of us can, you know, the sounds good.


Sounds great like, yeah, I'd love to make this decision because legit, like, you know, right?

Like I'm Oh that in your life, you've had those things in your life that you've made the decision and then it's like I'll figure it out.

I will meet the people.

I will learn the things.

There are no freaking excuses.


I'm going to figure it out that took you further than anything else, didn't it?

Yep, you know.

Absolutely but there's so many things that hold us back from doing that things like are limiting beliefs that we have grown up with and the identity of who we think, we are what we're capable of and might be imposter syndrome in might be beer of Perfection is being imperfect and might be fear of success.


That was a big one for me.

I felt like when I was successful, I would not have any of my friends and I didn't want to be lonely.

So I sabotage my success and and there's things that we do that that hold us back from really like owning that decision.


In fact, she's funny.

I actually have a tattoo that I got in Nashville in September that says own it because it's like, God, I love it.

You like you just freaking just you step.

Into it and you own it and it's there and me and there's no other options kind of thing.

And then the third thing is, is that they do, they get into action.


They Implement what they said they were going to do.

I said it, I did it.

I said it, I did it right.

But there's so many that I'll do it tomorrow or like I joke around that.

I was really good at working out every day until Thanksgiving 2017.

I got off the bandwagon and get myself back up.


And so I think that like there's so many things that that hold us back from showing up consistently, it might be just disorganization and you might be like me where you're constantly people-pleasing and you take on too much and then you're overwhelmed, right?

It might be just plain old this organization.

Like I don't know how I'm going to handle everything, there's so many things that hold us back from showing up consistently or showing up at all.


And so, what I wanted to do in this book was given Sighs.

You know, the road map of all of those stupid self sabotaging behaviors that get in our way and how I was able to to get through them myself and give you guys some tips and tricks on how you can stop getting in your own way and then ultimately, you know, stepping into all of the amazingness that God has for you because I promise you that if you lean into that, he has a life beyond anything that you could have asked for but it just takes recognize the desire.


Making the decision and doing what you said you were going to do well.

And I think Sometimes we get in this analysis, paralysis, right?

You mentioned the word overwhelm as well.

Where we go.

Oh my gosh.


And what I like to do when I read a book, if possible is, I will read a chapter either.


Teach it or implement it reading chapter, teach it or implement it, right?

And one of the things that you shared with me that you have going along with this book is a supplemental workbook which I was like, yes.

So I'll share a little bit about your work book as well.

Yeah, absolutely.

So I just you guys like This is part of this is part of the do, right?


Like if I would do everything that I look at me behind me, like, I like I love to read and these are like 100 percent of these are nonfiction because I'm such a nerd and I love to learn if I were to execute every single thing I've learned.

I wouldn't need another coat, my life.


Let's just be real, right?

Yes, go.

So, let's words, you know, instead of consuming and let's start actually implementing and, and doing the things that we're learning in these books.

And so I wanted to create a workbook that allows you to essentially use it as a study, guide to work alongside of it.


There's a lot of like work inside of the book itself but if you're like me, like sometimes it's hard to, you know, make my pretty things, not pretty anymore by scribbling all over it.

But I really just wanted to wait for you guys to have all of the room that you needed to process things and to create your new plan for your new self, right?


And so I created a workbook.

You guys can get it on my website right now is free.

So all you need to do is Go to my website and click on.

Its I am Life by Design backsplash tools and that's where you're going to find the workbook.

I also have if you are on mi mi mi launch list then you'll get an access to the workbook as well.


Just send it right out to your email but it's my way of doing my service to you, to get you an action, right?

Like I want you to be able to implement this because, okay, so tree.

And can I tell you this?

I used to be thank Q.


Oh, and there's that.

I am Dash.

I forgot to mention that.

I'm so sorry.

Okay, I'll edit it.


So I used to think that when people wrote their first like solo book.



And like by design.com backslash tools.



It's okay.

When people when people, you know, would write their first book, I'd be like oh that's cute.

Like I read, I read your third because you know what you're doing by now, right?

Perfect, right?

And I was like, no, like their first book is your freaking golden, like everything that you've learned up to this point in your life?


It's in this book and everything in my second book is just going to be from this point to that point, right?

Like this is like the best of my life.

And so I really just feel like when now when I recognize that people have put their first book, it's like their heart and soul is in this.

And and that's why I want you guys to get from this.


But I also really value a counter Ability.

And I want to to create some intimate conversations around this as well because it is a scary thing to make yourself better.

You know, I have a club the, the better Club where we, it's all about be better, do better and have better and that sometimes that's uncomfortable.


And so I'm creating a very special experience for this launch and it's going to be the get out of God's way book club and we are going to be meeting on Saturdays for five weeks where we're going to go through the book together and Go through the workbook together and give people that accountability and just to have those intimate conversations with people that also get it.


And I'm going to be hosting it.

So I get a chance to know you guys.

This is gonna be so much fun.

I love it so much because you put so much passion into it and then to be able to guide other people through that, just an extension of service you don't.

I mean leadership is all about service and you're right that first book.


We put so much.

I just did a book collab with A group of authoress and you're right, I start as like, from where I started to kind of where I'm at right now and then already I was like, okay, I need another one and another one.

No, totally.

I know I collab with a book earlier this fall of them here, I am writing this whole thing but it is, it's my best.


It's like the best lessons that I've learned up to this point in my life and I want you guys to benefit for my hardships.

I'm very vulnerable in this sucker.

You guys are definitely going to probably feel good about yourself a couple times.

Yeah, I just I want to, I want to allow my experiences to help you step into your full potential.


So I love that so much.

So we've got the book club.

We definitely have the website up there once I got it right and then so we're releasing this soon like soon.

Soon tomorrow.

Yes, releasing May 1st.


Hey purple next night in this is the thing.

Like I just want I want to Get on God's way.

I want to get as many people get access to this as possible.

So for the next couple days, I will have a free Kindle version that you can get in.

Even if you don't have a Kindle, you can get the Kindle app on your on your Apple devices on your Google devices.



So you guys have access to the Kindle version that you can get.

But I'm a obviously like I love to get my hands on a book so you can do, you can get the actual book itself starting.

Yeah, tomorrow's Mills.

So that's so exciting.


I'm the same way when I get a And I absolutely love it.


Like I got highlighting.

I got tabs dog-eared.

I got Manning in the side.

Yeah, it's almost like when I'm trying to brainstorm pen to paper when I get a book I'm in and I'm gonna do that book.

Yeah, exactly.

I love it.

I'm gonna do that book.

I'm gonna do that book.

So awesome.


Well, thank you so much for sharing your journey with us about the book.

So excited for it to come out.

I am I love the idea of doing the workbook in the book club.

And I mean you've really thought about how people can Take this book and not only like you and me just kind of you know read it and then add it to our library or whatever.


But also how am I going to make a transformation from it?

And you're really being so supportive in that transformation so kudos to you?

That that's so amazing and I can tell you really put your heart into it.

So thanks and you know, you guys, I would love to just get to know you better so, please, you know, say hi.


Let me know that you came from trans group.

And I'm gonna invite you guys all to the launch party.

I'm having a live launch party from 52. 7, p.m. central Time tomorrow and you guys can just pop in, I'm going to be on Facebook, on LinkedIn on YouTube and I have some celebrity guests that are going to be Chef, it's popping in.


I have some very fun, interesting wardrobe changes that you're not going to want to do Rises and some signed books and all kinds of cool stuff.

So just please play around with me have fun with me.

The be part of my adventure because this is why this is fun, right?


Is it connected to all of you guys?

And so thanks for being a part of this.

Thank you so much fan for helping me to get the word out.

And I just, I've had a blast faculty today, so thank you.

Yeah, we definitely should have connected faster than we did and I'm sure there's more in the future so I totally agree.

All right, you guys have a wonderful day?


Get out and get the book.

Let me know if you did and let me know if you're interested in being part of that book club because I think that that's going to be on my radar as well.

I love accountability.

I need it to move.


I know that about myself so I'm totally interested in that as well.


Alright, you guys and Lashelle.

Thank you again so much and we'll be hearing from everybody soon.


So thank you for tuning in to this episode of the be that create that podcast.


I hope that you found the insights shared today valuable and inspiring.

Remember, as women leaders, we have the power to create positive change in our workplaces and our communities.

All it takes is a little intention and a vision of what you would like to see if you want to continue conversations like this and connect with other women leaders, be sure to join the female leader headquarters Community or make sure that you're subscribing or fall Showing us on YouTube and the be that create that podcast.


You're going to gain access to some exclusive leadership, performance trainings and engaging conversations with some other like-minded women leaders and remember, who you surround yourself with is going to help you next level, both personally and professionally so that you can achieve the goals and the targets.


They have set for yourself and your business.

If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review and share it with your network.

Spread that positivity, this helps us reach more women leaders and Empower them to achieve their full potential.

Thank you so much for the support and we'll see you next time.

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